Humidity control systems for Upright Pianos

from A$649.00

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As a fundamental component of piano care, the Piano Life Saver System protects your piano from the undesirable effects of extreme or fluctuating humidity levels. It will enable your instrument to maintain proper pitch between tunings and protect the myriad of tiny wooden parts that make up a piano. A stable piano will be more enjoyable to play and listen to while rewarding your fingers with a consistent, proper touch.

The PLS is the only known system for totally enclosed humidity control. The full system, incorporating humidifiers and dehumidifiers, suits all situations: if the humidity is too low it will release moisture, if the humidity is too high it will dry the air. It needs to be kept on at all times, have water added every 3 to 7 weeks and have the pads changed every 6 months.

The dehumidifier-only system is suitable to situations where the relative humidity never drops below 40%, all year round. It only needs to be kept on at all times.

All PLS systems come with a 5 years warranty. Get in touch for more details.

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Pad treatment for PLS
Pad treatment for PLS
Bluetooth Humidity Data Logger
Bluetooth Humidity Data Logger
Pads for PLS
Pads for PLS